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See Fantasy Chess Enthusiasm on YouTube.
Follow a Fantasy Chess game play Battle Report on YouTube. Read and see a Fantasy Chess game, Click on the above link. This report is done up in a narrative describing the battle between Keeng of the Red Orcs and KingSir of the Blue Humans.
Letterpress Books Northgate Plaza 91 Auburn St, Portland Maine
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Fantasy Chess was demonstrated at Huzzah! Historical Wargaming in Portland Maine.
Fantasy Chess was demonstrated at Huzzah! Historical Wargaming in Portland Maine.
Fantasy Chess was demonstrated at Huzzah! Historical Wargaming in Portland Maine.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament Winners:
First Place: Chad Sweetser with his King Loki of Evil Black. He was awarded a Fantasy Chess Rulebook.
Second Place: Jordan Plog with his Arthur King of the Good Mongrel army. He was awarded a 32" Felt mat.
Third Place: Dustin Springer with his King Donavon of the Blue Barbarians. He was awarded a set of Human figures with bases.
Fantasy Chess was demonstrated at Huzzah! Historical Wargaming in Portland Maine.
Fantasy Chess video shoot at R Choice 2 Gaming in Portland, Maine.
Fantasy Chess was demonstrated at this event.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament Winners:
First Place: Dennis Faulkenham Jr. with his King Squeefoofy Snuggyball of the Gold Dwarves. He was awarded a Fantasy Chess Rulebook.
Second Place: Travis Fisher with his Joudoun Zebulton of the Mongrel Black Humans. He was awarded a 32" Felt mat.
Third Place: Matt Richards.
Fantasy Chess was demonstrated at Huzzah! Historical Wargaming in Portland Maine.
Fantasy Chess debuted on the East Coast at R Choice 2 Game in Portland Maine in April 2014.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament Winners:
First Place: Romel Bonito again defeated his opponents with his King MiniDice of the Black Orcs. He was awarded a full game (without figures) including mat. He graciously donated this to the 2nd place winner. A true King!
Second Place: Ezra Behnen with his King Cratos of the Gold Dwarves.
Third Place: Randy Ripley.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament Winners:
First Place: Romel Bonito with his King MiniDice of the Black Orcs. He was awarded a full game (without figures) including mat.
Second Place: Travis Cheney with his Sir Awesome of the Gold Dwarves. He was awarded a Fantasy Chess Rulebook.
Third Place: Greg Wagstaff.
As demonstrated at the world famous Pasadena Rose Bowl.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament Winners:
First Place: Jack Williams with his King Henry VIII of the Black Evil. He was awarded $20.
Second Place: Allan Gonzalez with his Nyan King of the White Good. He was awarded $10.
Third Place: Ryan Prichard.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament Winners:
First Place: Ryan Prichard with his King George III of the Black Orcs. He was awarded $20.
Second Place: Jack Williams with his King Woton of the Gold Dwarves.
Honorable Mention: Kacey Gutierrez.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament was interrupted by an outbreak of zombies.
ZOMBIE CHESS playtesting in progress at this convention.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament was won by Kevin Goudge with his Imperator of the Mongrel White Army. He was awarded $20.
Second place went to Mark Ksen's Czar Aenditz of the Evil Black Legion.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament was won by Andrew Stuh with his Sir Awsome of the Gold Dwarves. He awarded $20.
Second place went to Daniel Watson, who's King Sir Awsome Can'Suckit of the Black Orcs held out to the very end.
Thank you all who came to the Demos and Tournaments. Thank Andrew, Daniel, Michael and John Paul for playing Four Player Fantasy Chess.
The Fantasy Chess Tournament Winners:
First Place: Ben Tobin with his King Thol of the Black Orcs. He was awarded $20.
Second Place: Alex Sharp with his King Beersoaked Beard On Legs of the Gold Dwarves.
Where the logic of tactics and the excitement of battle meet!